
This is where being organic pays off.  The domestic non-organic fruit is only inspected at the packing house and the super markets.

All CERTIFIED ORGANIC growers have specific farming practices that protect the customer from this.  They have to be field inspected by the County, the state, and the federal government, plus coordinated through a specific ORGANIC Certifier. We can not use raw manure; (the possible source of this contamination)  any animal product must be heated/dried killing all pathogens that cause Listeria:

This specific contamination was found in the Henry Avocado processing plant and their equipment. To protect the public from any possible infection the packing house has ordered the recall of all non-organic products processed in the period the product or machinery was discovered.

Our Avocado Monthly practices have gone even farther by moving away from animal, using a soluble soy based nitrogent material carrying the same or more nutrients, eliminating those risks from manure

Our goal is to raise a better, tastier product that will satisfy all those special pallets our customers have.
